The Software Pagan's Barrow

On the Fringes of Society

Today an analogy occurred to me. You could imagine society as a fenced-in clearing in the woods, with most people and mainstream positions in the center and more counter-cultural types toward the edge. Many of us, for whatever reason, spend most of our time further out, closer to the edge of this space. We edge-dwellers are just as comfortable making sojourns toward the center for our friends and family as we are hopping over the fence and making quick excursions into the best-lit sections of the woods to forage something we may want or need. If you find yourself identifying with this, you may understand this next part better than most.

Sometimes, during those quick runs into the wood, and especially if you linger, you will see things. Off in the darkness appear shapes, shadows, eyes, dark beings that seem more beast than man. I didn't mention anything specific but you immediately thought of something you wished you could un-see, didn't you?

Go spend some time in the light of the middle with your kith and kin. That's the only way to recover.
