The Software Pagan's Barrow


This past week we saw the full moon of Eastermonth, marking the beginning of the light half of the year. I myself planned on getting up and making my offerings at dawn, but circumstances made this difficult and I was too weak-willed to make this happen. In lieu of that, I made my offerings of mead, wine, and flowers (with some whiskey for Thunor) tonight. We’re having stormy weather all week and I wanted to make my offerings as close to the full moon as possible, so I elected a less-than-ideal time of day in order to make the offering at a good time of the month.

My offering to Easter

I tried my best to adhere to the three-part Indo-European prayer format for this (I perennially struggle with this) and I think I did pretty well this time. I feel good about this blot.

As many things are for us pagans, the year is a microcosm of the eternal cycle of life and death in which we live. Easter, as the goddess of Dawn and birth is one of the most important goddesses of this cycle.

Easter is also a very hard goddess to research, as a websearch will yield metric tons of Christian and Wicca nonsense. This is a good place to remind you to be careful where you get your information. There is so much absolute tripe out there (like Easter/Ishtar comparisons) that anything real gets completely buried. The Ingwine Lorehoard is a good resource for things like this. And don’t even get me started on pagans who insist Easter was made up by Bede. That’s a completely different flavor of bullshit.

I know this was a short update of little substance, but I wanted to post something so you all knew I was still here, at least.

Feel free to let me know how you celebrate Easterblot!

Hail Easter! May she bring healthy children and hefty harvests to all your hearths!
